Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Holidays Holidays!

I told myself I WOULDN'T let this happen.... but I DID!!!!
I haven't written all month!!!!

Alas...this is what occurs when you simutaneously have a little KNITTING business on the side...
Knitting and CROCHETING...might I add...

Let's face it: December is the month for making WARM stuff... NOT for making smoothies.
I mean, of course I STILL make smoothies and I've made a TON of SOUPS that I haven't posted recipes for yet....
BUT.... I've been keeping myself busy knitting up those COZIES to keep everyone's neck warm....

(not the best selfie ever but just wanted ya to know what I was talking about....)
Oh... and you can LIKE my CraftWrx page on Facebook if ya wanna see what I'm up to in the world of wool:

Now back to the FOCUS of this BLOG...

In need of a QUICK fix to get some fruits and veggies?
Well.. here are a couple of SUPER DUPER smoothies that will keep you PEPPED up during the WINTER WINTERINESS of WINTER....

Plain & Simple
1 cup pineapple juice
1 orange cut up
half a lime
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 fresh mango
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
handful spinich
Tbsp cacao nibs
Chartreuse Anyone?
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 banana
1/2 cup strawberries frozen
3/4 cup mango frozen
handful baby kale
Wishing you all LOVE & LAUGHTER for 2015!!!!