Tuesday 21 July 2015

Purple Pudding

A little bit GELATINOUS this one is...
Actually... MORE than a little...
A LOT gelatinous....
I could have added more water but I just "WENT" with it....

Looking back on it...
I realize its because I used all FRESH produce.
Fresh as in "WARMISH"..not as in Fresh "FROZEN
Sooo... That is what accounts for the GELATINOUSNESS of the Smoothie...therefore the name PUDDING was chosen...

Let's start with a HANDFUL of fresh strawberries...
These ones are even fresh LOCAL strawberries...

Handful Shot:

Blender Shot A:

Yes...the above shot does look BEAUTIOUS...
It most probably WOULD have been BROWN...
I just purchased a lovely bag of frozen CANADIAN blueberries and decided I NEEDED to POP some into the MIX.

Blender Shot B:

Do you ever look at a word sometimes and think...WAIT a minute!!
...is that how you SPELL it...????
usually its when i use the word OVER and OVER again....
For example... the word SHOT...
Right now I am thinking...Whoa...
Is that EVEN a word?
It looks WIERD.
But I googled it JUST to make sure...

Ta Da!!

Purple Pudding
(1 serving)

Handful of fresh strawberries
1 mango
1/4 avocado
2 pineapple rings
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup water

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